Sara Stapleton-Barrera. Extreme Views. Troubling Policies. Sara Stapleton-Barrera supports a radical pro-abortion agenda, including late term abortions, even in the ninth month of pregnancy. Barrera’s extreme policies are troubling. She will not be an effective advocate who can get results for Texas families.
State Senate District 27
State Senate Candidates: At a Glance

Eddio Luccio, Jr.
Current pro-life state Senator
Senator Eddio Luccio, Jr. Supports Reasonable Restrictions on Abortion
Senator Eddie Luccio, Jr. opposes painful late-term abortions when unborn babies are viable
Senator Eddio Luccio, Jr. supports pro-life laws that protect the health and safety of women and their unborn babies

Sara Stapleton-Barrera
Pro-abortion extremist candidate
Barrera opposes all limits on abortion
Barrera opposes limits on abortion after 5 months when science shows babies feel pain
Barrera has been endorsed by NARAL, and extreme pro-abortion organization which supports abortion on demand at taxpayer expense and even partial-birth abortion, a barbaric procedure in which a baby is killed while its being delivered
Barrera and her backers at NARAL oppose laws requiring girls under age 18 to have parental consent to have an abortion
Voting Resources
Make sure you’re all set to vote pro-life in November!
Photo Credits: Joe Biden: Marc Nozell